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The Key Elements of Great Hypnotherapy


Dec 24, 2017

Uses of Hypnosis by a Licensed Hypnotherapist Most people are only aware of the entertainment application of hypnosis seen on television shows or other live events. The hypnosis magician will entertain people by hypnotizing a volunteer into following their command which in many cases are things that a person will not agree with doing of their own free will. Despite questioning, if the hypnosis artist’s volunteers were faking the art a group of people is interesting in learning the skill. Hypnosis is not magic instead it is a science of making a person lose their free will and therefore are open to any suggestions you make. It is not clear on when hypnosis started although it has been there for several centuries. The techniques to making a person hypnotized vary throughout the time periods. Classes of hypnosis are. The first category is referred as NLP hypnosis which stands for Neuro-linguistic programming. The techniques used alters how the brain receives and interprets messages from other body parts. What makes NLP a class of hypnosis is that the person will follow instructions given which in their right state of mind may question them and refuse to comply.
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The recent class of hypnosis is known as Ericksonian hypnosis. Instead of employing the previous more commanding tone of hypnotizing a person, the hypnosis artist will use a more relaxed tone of turning the commands into suggestions. The artist aims to overcome resistance from the person by setting the instructions to become more friendly, and a person feel like they are the one choosing to follow the suggestions.
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Hypnosis has been attributed to having other benefits apart from the amusement of audience by a hypnosis artist. What these people do not know is the existence of institutions training courses on hypnosis. The school have formal documents issued as evidence that a person is a certified hypnosis expert. The person will seek to get a work license. A licensed hypnotherapist is a person with hypnosis certification and state’s permit. Areas of specialization of a hypnotherapist include treatment of depression, panic attacks and control of addictive behaviors such smoking. Although there is no sufficient evidence that hypnosis cure the above ailments, many hypnotherapists combine it with other methods Some hypnotherapist use NLP hypnosis to assist people to develop healthy life habits such as commitment to their goals in life. Although their assumptions that hypnosis can be used to make you a better person you should exercise caution when looking for a hypnotherapist. Many states hypnosis laws are vague on the dos and don’ts on the licensed hypnotherapist. Therefore you may end up investing money and not getting any result, and you cannot sue the hypnotherapist.
