There is a lot that can go wrong with home improvement projects. Remodeling or fixing up your home can make it a much nicer place to live and can raise your property value, if you do it correctly. This is a bit of advice we have put together for you to keep in mind on your next home improvement weekend.
Recycle the molding in the closets of your old house to finish out your renovation project! Sometimes, finding molding to match the molding from old houses can be almost impossible. One option is to remove the molding that is, likely inside your closets. You’ll never notice that it’s gone and it will be restored to its glory, out in the open where it can be seen.
If you don’t want to have a toilet that won’t stop running, try checking the flapper valve. Flapper valves act as rubber seals for the tank and allow water in and out. Pull the siphon from the tank and examine the valve. If it’s dirty, clean it. If its broken, replace the valve with a new one.
You can drastically increase your home’s value by putting in another bathroom. Adding a second bathroom can really up the value of your home. Having two will reduce fighting over bathroom privileges and create a happier household.
Exterior lighting will give you peace of mind at night, and add beauty to your landscaping. Consider motion sensor lighting, as this will reduce the amount of energy used when the outdoors are not occupied, and can also frighten away unwanted animals or even prowlers. Install the lights in strategic places, such as the exact area visible to you from a window, and the path from your vehicle to the front door.
Copper is by far the most attractive building material for thieves, so exercise care when installing copper pipe and wiring. Whenever possible these installations should not be done until the house, ideally the entire property, can be protected by lock and key. Thieves are talented at stripping copper from a building site very quickly. Protect your copper supplies, so you don’t wind up buying it twice.
You should focus on repairing small things around your home before they turn into more important issues. Damage comes from old problems which are ignored. Try not to fall into this trap. Your home’s systems are interconnected, so damage can travel rapidly. A small problem can become a big one faster than you can imagine.
You need to make sure you think about the paint before any other projects are attempted in the room. If you are planning on installing new floors, do any painting first. Although you can use a drop cloth to protect things while you’re painting, it’s better to avoid the problem entirely if you can.
As you can see, home improvement has the potential to do a lot of good in the aesthetics of your home as well as it’s market value. Making some wise investments may really pay off in the long run and make your home more energy efficient and valuable.